
another look...

...at London if my Cool Cam could have made the trip, too.


Wendy said...

I think the Cool Cam is on it's way! It would have a great home with you. Lots of beautiful artwork for the world to see. If anyone out there has a Cool Cam that you would like to send Jessielynn to review you could not find a better person! Not to sound too silly Jess, but just believe and the universe will send it to you ;-) I am sending you my positive energy that it is going to happen.

jessie lynn said...

Oh Wendy, you're a doll. Thank you for the kind words and positive energy :) You'll be happy to know, I actually DO have a Cool Cam! It's just that I couldn't get film for it in time for the trip (it isn't produced anymore, so I have to do some ebay shopping--ugh). But I'm thinking even if I had, I'm not sure I could have handled lugging it around. Now if I had an SX-70, which folds nice and flat, then it may have been possible for me to have taken some ridiculous polaroid shots...that is if I had film for that, too. Ha! I suppose I'll just have to go back! Maybe a girl's trip next time? ;)