It was the first weekend in awhile where I could step outside with ease; the sun was shining and the extra layers were shed. I really couldn't have asked for a more beautiful weekend to spend at home. Before my homeward bound trip I decided to see what events were going on in Saratoga Springs, NY, and was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon the Oliver Herring exhibit at the Tang, Skidmore College's museum and art gallery. I'd never heard of Oliver Herring, but looked him up and loved what I found: a style of art that was built upon the unexpected and incorporated stop-motion video, photography, sculpting, knitting--a one man circus act of the arts (meant in the most flattering of ways.)
No, no, thank you aluminum shopping bag.

Bike racks screaming to be used.

(Shown above.)

I think the following portraits are just brilliant. I'd love to know how long it took for the coloring to shed its existence upon their skin...

Chris After Hours of Spitting Food Dye Outdoors
41 1/2 x 62 1/2 inches Framed

Shane After Hours of Spitting Food Dye Indoors
41 1/2 x 62 1/2 inches Framed
The following are Oliver's photo-sculptures. Herring transformed pieces of foam into life-size sculptures shown below. Taking photos of his subjects from every possible angle, he then created a collage of those images and draped them over the foam; the result is remarkably eery.

c-print photographs, museum board, foam core and polystyrene with vitrine
68 x 22 1/2 x 15 inches
Polystyrene (n.): A rigid clear thermoplastic polymer that can be molded into objects or made into a foam that is used to insulate refrigerators.
Vitrine (n.): A glass-paneled cabinet or case for displaying articles such as china, objects d'art, or fine merchandise.

c-print photographs, museum board, foam core and polystyrene
72 x 40 x 40 with vitrine

Herring is also known for his knit Mylar objects. "The knitting process played a crucial role, allowing the resulting objects to act as indicators of the passage of time." (I think the piece below took something like 10 or 11 years?!)

An Age For Hands
knit silver mylar, steel
117 x 156 x 5 inches
Visit the Tang's website.
More on Oliver Herring at PBS "art in the twenty-first century."
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