Three words: Great Lake Swimmers. Two words: Tony Dekker. One word: Smitten. I opened my e-mail this a.m. to find one of my daily NPR e-mails listing a studio session for GLS. Their tiny desk concerts are always a sweet treat that never last long enough but are just the right fix to leave you with a bit of a high. I'd have to say this session had more of an upper-downer effect on me. With only three songs (of course all being absolute favs of mine) I was left with a chest that ached. Dekker's boyish mannerisms, coy demeanor and irresistible voice have now earned him a spot on my 2009 must-do list. (I just realized that could be taken in more than one way, and I'm fine with that.) I've been wanting to see GLS for quite some time now, but this little intimately, stripped to the core tiny desk session has put me over the edge. I'm going to have to make a trip to Canada if I want to see them anytime soon. Shoot. Why can't these bands just come to me? Anyway, check the link below to get your panties all in a bunch for not being able to see them either--Residents of Niagara Falls, ON; Peterborough, ON; Ottawa, ON; Montreal, QC; Winnipeg, MB; Vancouver, BC*; Guelph, ON; Edmonton, AB; and Grafton, ON excluded.
*The Vancouver Folk Festival is looking too tempting. Great music and great friends to see=a two for one trip. Hmmm...
Set List:
"Everything is Moving so Fast"
"Pulling on a Line"
"Various Stages"
Perhaps a certain someone that also plays guitar, and has an irresistible voice, should be the only one on that 2009 list (meant to be taken in only one way). Ahem...
mmm. double meanings don't count on the real list. that was just part of my pretend 2009 list...rrrummm. ha.
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